Welcome to Firstparty

Firstparty enables the collection, activation, and migration of your first-party data. Firstparty provides a suite of tools that allow you to collect and act upon Events that describe activities happening within your business.

Get Started Quickly

Collect first-party website analytics, and transfer everything to your warehouse

Firstparty makes it easy to collect hit-level analytical events from your website by collecting Events triggered by a pageview, a form completion, or just about anything else. Events, Sessions, and Profiles may then all be exported to any number of data warehouses of your choosing.
Setup Website Analytics

Automate business processes in response to collected Events

Events may be manipulated to change or adjust the data sent from the client (browser), or trigger additional work with external platforms, though a system of Rules. In addition to Events, Firstparty will keep track of web sessions and customer Profiles.
Learn about Rules

Manage a single Audience definition and send it to multiple third-party platforms

Events, Sessions, and Profiles may be combined to build Audiences representing individuals who have interacted with your business. These Audiences may then be sent to external platforms, including ad networks and email marketing software, so you can engage with your target customers without sending their PII to third-parties.
Create and Manage Audiences

First Steps with Firstparty

There are many paths to success with Firstparty. We recommend choosing a Workflow that includes setting up a JavaScript Source on your website, since that Source is often a requirement in additional Workflows.
Learn About Workflows