Javascript Actions allow you to write Javascript that executes in a secure, sandboxed Node environment. Javascript Actions have access to the triggering Event, Session, and Profile, as well as context about the Request itself.
Javascript Actions may utilize the node-fetch
library to make HTTP requests to external systems, making it possible to do anything from sending a conversion event to an ad network to notifying an external system any just about anything else.
Javascript actions should expose a handler
function on the exports
object, and the function should accept three arguments.
includes the full event payload and functions to manipulate the Eventcontext
includes additional information about the Session and Profile attached to the Event, as well as methods to manipulate eachcallback
is a function that takes no arguments which triggers the end of execution
You must call the
method to finish executing the Action
A robust example of a Javascript Action might look like this:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Set a key/value on the Event's response to the HTTP client
// Use this to customize things in the browser after an Event is processed
event.setResponseProperty('property_key', 'property_value');
// Set a key/value on the Event's "properties" object
event.setProperty('barfoo', 'foobar');
// Set a key/value on the Profile's "properties" object
context.profile.setProperty('awesome', 'sauce');
// Set a cookie to be returned to the requesting HTTP client
context.setCookie('cookie_key', 'cookie_value');
// Make an HTTP request with node-fetch, already included
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
// Set a key/value on the Event's "properties" object
event.setProperty('payload', json);
// Finish work and end this Action's execution